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  Say Hello


Holistic Therapies

15 Tamihana Street



New Zealand

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Tel: 07 888 6118


0210 259 1867


 Please note I am not currently issuing Gift Vouchers but you may book/pay on behalf of someone else.  Currently valid vouchers may be redeemed providing they are used before the expiry date.


 If you are making a booking on behalf of someone else, here is the direct bank transfer  info:

Account: Angelica

Number: 02-0360-0117050-000

Ref: Name of person being booked in

Amount: Cost of treatment being booked.


  If you have any queries or comments please contact me.  I will respond during business hours which are:

 Mon - 2.00 - 6.00

Tues - 10.00 - 6.00

 Wed -  2.00 - 7.00

Thurs - Closed

 Fri - 10.00 - 7.00

 Sat - 10.00 - 3.00

 Sun - Closed



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